Your self-service platform to discover and hire freelance game artists globally across 20+ disciplines.
Fusion is a self-service freelance platform specializing in finding game artists for custom game asset creation. It features a vast pool of curated freelance artists and offers tools to enhance discovery, vetting, and administrative tasks, including an optimized RFP process. Fusion connects companies with freelance game artists while addressing challenges experienced on both sides such as payments, identity verification, agreements, and tax documentation.
Fusion is a sister company to Devoted Studios. While Fusion provides access for you to work directly with freelance artists, Devoted Services has a premium offering that includes an experienced production management team for large engagements.
Fusion is ideal when you are prepared to manage the art production yourself. The platform streamlines and speeds up the identification, onboarding, and setup of freelance game artists. You can work with freelance artists through retainer or fixed-price business models.
Devoted CG was the original name before our rebranding. It is now known as Fusion (by Devoted). The rebranding emphasizes our mission to unite different elements—artists, tools, and developers—to create new and amazing things.
Fusion streamlines the artist vetting process in two key ways: by providing access to pre-vetted artists and by offering tools and information to quickly select the most relevant artists for your project.